What Are the Flaws in Your Flows? XFLOW SIMULATION
Den 19: maj kl 9.30
We're getting into the flow of things with Simulation! @Mattias ROBERTSSON will host a Flow Simulation webinar, covering XFLOW solutions.
Kostnadsfritt webinar
In the competitive world of product innovation, industries demand the simulation of their product’s real-world behavior under extreme conditions; such as vehicles wading, powertrain lubrication and critical flight maneuvers.
Customer expectations shift, performance requirements change and how engineers deliver on these demands inevitably changes as well. New tools are required to increase capability when dealing with new testing demands and solving complex problems.
In just 30 minutes Mattias Robertson, Simulation Expert, will show unique functionalities found in XFLOW for Free Surfaces, Moving Parts, Buoyancy, Surface Tension, and more!
Hosted by: @Mattias ROBERTSSON
Simulation Expert @Dassault Systèmes
Datum och tid: 19 Maj kl 10:30-11:00
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Mattias Robertsson
3DEXPERIENCE and Simulation Executive at Dassault Systemes
With 20+ years of SOLIDWORKS and Simulation experience, Mattias has an extensive background in (mechanical) engineering. As part of the webinar’s Live Q&A, be sure to ask Mattias your Simulation questions!