
Kortkommandon och genvägar i SOLIDWORKS

SOLIDWORKS progamvara innehåller en massa genvägar, kortkommandon och smarta sätt att arbeta, ta dig tiden och lär dig de som du arbetar med ofta – du spar tid och det blir enklare att arbeta. Här nedan finns de vanligaste och mest användbara genvägarna men också andra tips, visste du att du även kan skapa egna snabbval? Här följer en mängd kortkommandon, sök under rubrikerna och hitta dina favoriter.

Vi börjar med ” S ”. Tryck på  tangenten S och en sida fylld med genvägar dyker upp. Här visas fyra olika lägen för ditt arbete i SOLIDWORKS; part editing, assembly, drawing, och sketch. För att lägga till personliga verktyg eller val, så kan du dra verktyget/kommandot till rutan. Pröva – så kan du skräddarsy utifrån de verktyg och kommandon du oftast använder.

Klicka på Tools i listen, välj Customize så kommer denna bild att visas. I en av flikarna syns bla Mouse Gestures, via den kan du välja ett antal kortkommandon med datamusen. Med hjälp av högerklick och val, så får du möjlighet att välja egna kommandon ( från 2-12). Drag kommandon från listan till ”hjulet” fr att lägga till kommandon till Gesture Wheel.

SOLIDWORKS keyboard shortcuts Customize window


Här följer en mängd kortkommandon, se rubrikerna och hitta dina favoriter!

User interface shortcuts

Ctrl + B          Rebuilds the model

Ctrl + R         Redraws the screen

Ctrl + Q          Complete Rebuild

Ctrl + Tab     Moves among open documents

Enter             Repeats the last command

S                      Opens the shortcut bar.


Alt + arrow keys                                        Rotates the model parallel to the viewing plane

Alt + drag the middle mouse button     Rotates the model parallel to the viewing plane

Shift + arrow keys                                     Rotates the model 90º

Shift + Z                                                       Zooms the model in.

Z                                                                    Zooms the model out.

F                                                                    Zooms to fit.

Alt + click                                                    Shows a hidden body or component when you hover over the body or component

G                                                                    Magnifying Glass

Alt + middle mouse wheel                      Shows a section view when using the magnifying glass

Spacebar                                                     Opens the View Selector and Orientation dialog box


Alt + click    Select the back faces in the View Selector cube.

Ctrl + click   Lets you select multiple entities

Shift                     Lets you select a transparent face on a part

Shift + click             Selects everything within the two selected items in the FeatureManager design tree


Ctrl + arrow keys                                       Pans a model

Ctrl + drag the middle mouse button   Pans a model

Shift + drag             Sketches. Moves a set of sketch entities.

Parts. Moves a feature.

Drawings. Moves the selected drawing view and any related views together as if they are one entity. You can also move a dimension to a different view.


Alt + drag                 Select anywhere in a table to move the table.

Ctrl + drag                Drawing views. Breaks the drawing view alignment when you insert a drawing view.

Annotations. Copies annotations without snapping to the grid or to other annotations.

Tables. Select anywhere in a table to move the table.

Shift + click             Select one edge in a drawing view if multiple edges are collinear. In general, when you select an edge in a drawing, the entire line is highlighted if all of the line segments are collinear.

Shift + drag             Moves a dimension to another drawing view when you drag the dimension and drop it on another view.

Dimensions  –  Annotations

Alt + click             Turns off automatic alignment when you place dimensions and annotations

Alt + drag                 Moves an annotation independently from the group in which it is contained

Ctrl + drag                Creates additional leaders on a note when you Ctrl + drag a leader’s arrowhead

Shift + click             Snaps a dimension to the max or min location when dimensioning arcs and circles with the Smart Dimension tool

Alt + specified values     Inserts standard Windows symbols:

Alt + 0176. Inserts a degree º symbol.

Alt + 0216. Inserts a diameter Ø symbol.

Alt + 0181. Inserts a µ symbol.

Sheet Metal

Tab                 Flips the direction of the forming tool when dragging the forming tool onto a face.

Sketching shortcuts

Alt + drag     Symmetrically adjusts both handles of a control point in a spline.

Ctrl + drag    Suppresses inference lines when dragging an endpoint

Pressing Ctrl While sketching turns off automatic sketch relations

Shift + click  Turns on snapping

Shift + drag  When sketching a line, the line snaps to specific lengths

Tab                 Changes the XYZ plane when sketching in a 3D sketch


Alt              Mates. Temporarily hides a face when you hover over a face and click Alt.

Alt + drag     Mates. Creates a SmartMate when you Alt + drag a component

Reordering components. When moving a component in the FeatureManager design tree, ensures that the component remains at the same level in the tree and prevents it from being moved into a subassembly

Alt + Ctrl drag         Copies the component and creates a SmartMate

Ctrl + drag               Copies a component when you Ctrl + drag it

Selection. In an assembly with preselected components, inverts the selection when you Ctrl + drag a selection box

Toolbox. Creates a part instead of a configuration when you drag a Toolbox component into an assembly.

Motion studies. Copies multiple keys in the MotionManager.

Tab                       Hide/Show. Hides all components below the pointer

While Inserting a Component. Rotates the component 90º

Shift + Alt                Mates.. Shows a temporarily hidden face when you hover over the hidden face and click Shift + Alt.

Shift + Tab               Hide/Show. Shows all components below the pointer

While Inserting a Component. Rotates the component -90º

Ctrl + Shift + Alt     Mates. Show all temporarily hidden faces in a semi-transparent state.

Ctrl + Shift + Tab    Temporarily displays all hidden components as                                   transparent and lets you select which ones to show.

To show one or more components, move the pointer to the graphics area, and press and hold Ctrl + Shift + Tab. All hidden components are temporarily displayed as transparent. Click a hidden component to change it to shown.

Right-click + drag          In a blank area of the graphics area. Invokes mouse gestures.

On a component. Rotates a component relative to the assembly origin.

Alt + right-click + drag   On a Component. Invokes mouse gestures instead of the Rotate Component tool.

Shift + arrow keys          Reorients a Routing component when you insert a Routing component into an existing Routing

Shift + F10 or menu key  Opens the shortcut menu


Inom kort kommer vi även att lägga upp en kort guide för ikonerna i SOLIDWORKS. Håll utkik! Hoppas du får användning av detta, lycka till!






Författare: Per Nåtby, Marknadschef

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