Kostnadsfritt Webinar

SIMULIA 101: Introducing New Virtual Testing Possibilities
Den 6:e Maj kl 10.30-11.00

Customer expectations shift, performance requirements change and how engineers deliver on these demands inevitably changes as well. New tools are required to increase capability when dealing with new testing demands and solving complex problems.

Engineers need to be able to scale when faced with multiple ongoing projects and looming deadlines. How these engineers collaborate and leverage industry and product understanding dictates the speed of innovation.

In just 30 minutes, learn how the addition of SIMULIA technology can help address change and drive virtual testing within your business and get the details of special offers for new and existing Simulation customers.

Datum och tid: 6 Maj kl 10:30-11:00

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John McCready
EXPERIENCE and Simulation Executive at Dassault Systemes